Lyda Rose (Lettunich, 1994) is the rose that I fell head over heel in love with the moment I saw it in an English Rose catalogue. A year later it came by the post and I've never regretted that purchase! A gorgeous musk hybrid with plenty of singel, white and pink roses from early spring til late autumn. The shrub is a seedling of the climber 'Francis E Lester' and it grows to a height of approximately 1,5 metres. It's shade tolerant, almost thornless and the roses have a divine scent!
Friday, 28 August 2009
Lyda Rose
Lyda Rose (Lettunich, 1994) är rosen jag förälskade mig handlöst i när jag en dag fick en engelsk växtkatalog i min hand. Ett år senare kom den med posten och det har jag aldrig ångrat! En helt ljuvlig moschatahybrid som blommar med mängder av enkla vit-rosa blommor från tidig vår till sen höst. Rosen är en frösådd av klätterrosen 'Francis E Lester' och den blir ca 1,5 meter hög. Busken är skuggtålig och nästan tagglös och rosorna doftar himmelskt!
Lyda Rose (Lettunich, 1994) is the rose that I fell head over heel in love with the moment I saw it in an English Rose catalogue. A year later it came by the post and I've never regretted that purchase! A gorgeous musk hybrid with plenty of singel, white and pink roses from early spring til late autumn. The shrub is a seedling of the climber 'Francis E Lester' and it grows to a height of approximately 1,5 metres. It's shade tolerant, almost thornless and the roses have a divine scent!

Lyda Rose (Lettunich, 1994) is the rose that I fell head over heel in love with the moment I saw it in an English Rose catalogue. A year later it came by the post and I've never regretted that purchase! A gorgeous musk hybrid with plenty of singel, white and pink roses from early spring til late autumn. The shrub is a seedling of the climber 'Francis E Lester' and it grows to a height of approximately 1,5 metres. It's shade tolerant, almost thornless and the roses have a divine scent!
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