Therese Bugnet (Bugnet, 1950) är en remonterande rugosahybrid med dubbla, rosa rosor. Busken, som fått sitt namn efter Bugnets syster, blir stor. Den är väldigt härdig. Grenarna är rödbruna, nästan tagglösa och rosorna är väldoftande. Zon 6.
Therese Bugnet (Bugnet, 1950) is a remounting rugosa hybrid with double, pink roses. It's named for the hybridizer's sister. The shrub is big and very hardy - it endures the winters in Canada. The branches are reddish brown and almost without thorns.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Weisse Immensee
Weisse Immensee (Kordes, 1983) är en verkligt marktäckande ros. Den blommar från juli till slutet av augusti med små, vitrosa blommor. Busken blir bara 30-60 cm hög men rankorna blir desto längre - bortemot 4-5 meter! Zon 3.
Weisse Immensee (Kordes, 1983) is a true ground covering rose. It blooms with cream coloured roses from July til the end of August. The shrub only grows to a height of 0,3-0,6 meters but the vines are 4-5 meters long!
Weisse Immensee (Kordes, 1983) is a true ground covering rose. It blooms with cream coloured roses from July til the end of August. The shrub only grows to a height of 0,3-0,6 meters but the vines are 4-5 meters long!
Williams' Double Yellow
Williams' Double Yellow (Williams, 1828) är en pimpinellros med dubbla, gula rosor. Den blommar i maj-juni och rosorna doftar gott! Kan förökas med sticklinmgar. Zon 6.
Willims' Double Yellow (Williams, 1828) is a pimpinellifolia with double, yellow roses. It blooms in May-June and the roses have a lovely scent! Can be propagated by cuttings.
Willims' Double Yellow (Williams, 1828) is a pimpinellifolia with double, yellow roses. It blooms in May-June and the roses have a lovely scent! Can be propagated by cuttings.
Burnet Irish Marbled
Burnet Irish Marbled (före 1650) är en liten pimpinelros med väldigt vackra rosamelerade rosor. Den blommar under försommaren och på hösten får den vackra, svarta nypon.
Burnet Irish Marbled (before 1650) is a small pimpinellifolia with very beautiful roses in mixed pink. The small shrub blooms during early summer and in autumn it gets ornamental, black rose hips.
Burnet Irish Marbled (before 1650) is a small pimpinellifolia with very beautiful roses in mixed pink. The small shrub blooms during early summer and in autumn it gets ornamental, black rose hips.
Single Cherry
Single Cherry (från 1800-talet) är en pimpinellros som blommar från maj till midsommar. Ibland blommar den om i augusti. Rosorna är enkla och cerisröda med silverfärgad baksida och gula ståndare och de doftar starkt och gott. På hösten är busken full av dekorativa, kolsvarta nypon. Skuggtålig och särskilt värdefull på våren innan övriga rosor har börjat blomma!
Single Cherry (from the 19th century) is a pimpinellifolia with pinkish red roses in May and the beginning of June. Sometimes it blooms again in August. The back side of the petals are silvery grey and the roses have a srtong, nice scent. In autumn, the shrub is covered in ornamental, black rose hips. The shrub is shade tolerant and particularly valuable during spring, before the real rose season starts!
Single Cherry (from the 19th century) is a pimpinellifolia with pinkish red roses in May and the beginning of June. Sometimes it blooms again in August. The back side of the petals are silvery grey and the roses have a srtong, nice scent. In autumn, the shrub is covered in ornamental, black rose hips. The shrub is shade tolerant and particularly valuable during spring, before the real rose season starts!
Blanc Double de Coubert
Blanc Double de Coubert (Couchet-Couchet, 1892) är en kritvit rugosahybrid med stark doft. Den är anspåkslös, skuggtålig och den remonterar, men en nackdel med busken är att rosorna lätt förstörs av kraftiga regnskurar. Detta är en storväxt buskros som kan blil bortemot två meter hög, men den bör föryngras regelbundet genom nedklippning eftersom den lätt blir kal nertill. Zon 7.
Blanc Double de Coubert (Couchet-Couchet, 1892) is a white rugosa hybrid with a strong scent. It's undemanding, shade tolerant and it remounts, but one disadvantage is that the roses are easily destoyed by heavy rains. This is a shrub which grows to a height of approximately 2 meters, but it should be cut down regularly, as otherwise it might become bald at the base.
Blanc Double de Coubert (Couchet-Couchet, 1892) is a white rugosa hybrid with a strong scent. It's undemanding, shade tolerant and it remounts, but one disadvantage is that the roses are easily destoyed by heavy rains. This is a shrub which grows to a height of approximately 2 meters, but it should be cut down regularly, as otherwise it might become bald at the base.
Wasagaming (Skinner, 1939) är en underbart vacker rugosahybrid! Rosa, dubbla rosor med stark doft. Busken blir ungefär 1.5 meter hög och det bästa av allt - den remonterar!
Wasagaming (Skinner, 1939) is an exceptionally beautiful rugosa hybrid! Pink, double roses with a strong scent. The shrub grows to a height of approximately 1,5 meters, and furthermore - it's a remountant!
Wasagaming (Skinner, 1939) is an exceptionally beautiful rugosa hybrid! Pink, double roses with a strong scent. The shrub grows to a height of approximately 1,5 meters, and furthermore - it's a remountant!
Rugspin (Petersen, 1960) är en rugosahybrid som också har pimpinellifolia 'i blodet'. Stora, halvdubbla magentafärgade rosor som doftar äpple hela sommaren! Dessutom dekorativa nypon på hösten och vintern. Zon 7.
Rugspin (Petersen, 1960) is a rugosa hybrid which is a crossing with pimpinellifolia. Big, half double, magenta coloured roses with a scent of apples all through summer! On top of that, ornamental rose hips during autumn and winter.
Rugspin (Petersen, 1960) is a rugosa hybrid which is a crossing with pimpinellifolia. Big, half double, magenta coloured roses with a scent of apples all through summer! On top of that, ornamental rose hips during autumn and winter.
The Fairy
The Fairy (Bentall, 1932) är en modern polyantharos utan doft som remonterar. Massor av ljusrosa blommor från juli till frosten tar den. Den blir ganska hög men kan hållas låg genom beskärning. Kan förökas med sticklingar. Zon 4.
The Fairy (Bentall, 1932) is a modern, remounting shrub rose without scent. Lots of small, pink flowers from July until frost. It grows pretty tall but can be kept at a low height through trimming. Can be propagated by cuttings.
The Fairy (Bentall, 1932) is a modern, remounting shrub rose without scent. Lots of small, pink flowers from July until frost. It grows pretty tall but can be kept at a low height through trimming. Can be propagated by cuttings.
Easy Cover
Easy Cover (Poulsen, 1998) är en liten, remonterande marktäckande buske med söta, rosa rosor. Den blir ca 50 cm hög och ungefär lika bred. Zon 3.
Easy Cover (Poulsen, 1998) is a small, remounting, ground covering shrub with pretty, pink roses. It grows to a height of approximately 0,5 metres.
Easy Cover (Poulsen, 1998) is a small, remounting, ground covering shrub with pretty, pink roses. It grows to a height of approximately 0,5 metres.
Candy Cover
Candy Cover (Poulsen, 1996) är en härlig buskros som inte blir så hög - runt 1 meter ungefär. Massor av polkagrisstrimmiga rosor i rött, vitt och rosa sommaren igenom. Zon 3.
Candy Cover (Poulsen, 1996) is a spectacular shrub rose which grows to a height of approximately 1 metre. Plenty of candy cane roses in red, pink and white throughout summer.
Candy Cover (Poulsen, 1996) is a spectacular shrub rose which grows to a height of approximately 1 metre. Plenty of candy cane roses in red, pink and white throughout summer.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Marie Popelin
Marie Popelin (Schmitz, 2004) är en buskros som blommar hela sommaren med doftande, dubbla, blåröda blommor. Vacker! Busken blir cirka en meter hög och lär ha uppstått spontant i Daniel Schmitz handelsträdgård i Belgien. Jag vet ingenting om härdigheten, men den klarar sig bra här i zon 2.
Marie Popelin (Schmitz, 2004) is a modern shrub rose which blooms throughout summer. The double roses are scented and have a beautiful bluish red shade. The shrub grows to a height of approximately 1 metre and is supposed to have self seeded in the nursery of Daniel Schmitz in Belgium.
Marie Popelin (Schmitz, 2004) is a modern shrub rose which blooms throughout summer. The double roses are scented and have a beautiful bluish red shade. The shrub grows to a height of approximately 1 metre and is supposed to have self seeded in the nursery of Daniel Schmitz in Belgium.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
En rugosahybrid med väldigt taggiga grenar och de mest romantiska rosorna är Kamtschatka (Sievers, 1988). Busken blommar hela sommaren och de dubbla, svagt doftande ljusrosa rosorna bleknar till cremevitt med åldern. En buskros att bli förälskad i!
A rugosa hybrid with very thorny branches and the most romantic roses - that's Kamtschatka (Sievers, 1988). The shrub keeps producing flowers with a slight scent throughout the whole summer and the double, light pink roses fade to an off-white shade with age. A shrub rose to fall in love with!
A rugosa hybrid with very thorny branches and the most romantic roses - that's Kamtschatka (Sievers, 1988). The shrub keeps producing flowers with a slight scent throughout the whole summer and the double, light pink roses fade to an off-white shade with age. A shrub rose to fall in love with!
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Totenvik är en pimpinell-hybrid med doftande, vita rosor på försommaren. En anspråkslös buske som blir cirka 2 meter hög och nästan lika bred. Vacker! Zon 8.
Poppius (eller Rosa Stenbergii) är en av trädgårdens första rosor att blomma i juni - juli. En pimpinell-hybrid som blommar med söta, halvdubbla, rosa blommor på nästan tagglösa grenar. Ibland blommar den om framåt höstkanten. Detta är en aspråklös ros som blommar på fjolårsveden - om den skall beskäras så bör det därför ske direkt efter blomningen. Zon 7.
Poppius (or, Rosa Stenbergii) is one of the first rose shrubs to start blooming in June-July. A pimpinellifolia with pretty, half double roses on almost thornless branches. Sometimes it blooms with a second flush during autumn. It's an undemanding shrub which produces flowers on last year's growth, so it should be cut back directly after the blooming period, if necessary.
Poppius (or, Rosa Stenbergii) is one of the first rose shrubs to start blooming in June-July. A pimpinellifolia with pretty, half double roses on almost thornless branches. Sometimes it blooms with a second flush during autumn. It's an undemanding shrub which produces flowers on last year's growth, so it should be cut back directly after the blooming period, if necessary.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Stanwell Perpetual
Stanwell Perpetual (Lee, 1838) är något så ovanligt som en remonterande pimpinell-hybrid. Busken blir stor och grenarna är ganska veka och väldigt taggiga, så den kan behöva stödjas. Rosorna är härligt romantiska i ljusrosa nyanser och ljuvlig doft! Kan förökas med sticklingar. Zon 6.
Stanwell Perpetual (Lee, 1838) is a re-flowering pimpinellifolia! The shrub grows big with quite weak branches which are very thorny, so the shrub could do with some support. The roses are highly romantic in pale pink shades and they have a gorgeous scent! Can be propagated by cuttings.
Stanwell Perpetual (Lee, 1838) is a re-flowering pimpinellifolia! The shrub grows big with quite weak branches which are very thorny, so the shrub could do with some support. The roses are highly romantic in pale pink shades and they have a gorgeous scent! Can be propagated by cuttings.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Schneekoppe (Baum, 1983), eller Snow Pavement som den också kallas, är en rugosahybrid med stora doftande rosor. Färgen är ganska ovanlig - ljust rosa-lila. Denna buske blir inte så hög - ungefär 1 meter, men den blir desto bredare eftersom den skjuter rejält med rotskott. Zon 7. -Väldigt vackra rosor som tyvärr blir fula efter kraftiga regnskurar.
Schneekoppe (Baum, 1983), or Snow Pavement as it's also called, is a rugosa hybrid with big roses with a gorgeous scent. The colour is somewhat unusual - pale pink-purple. This shrub doesn't grow so tall - approximately 1 metre - but it gets wide due to plenty of runners. -Very beautiful roses, which unfortunately turn ugly after heavy rains.
Schneekoppe (Baum, 1983), or Snow Pavement as it's also called, is a rugosa hybrid with big roses with a gorgeous scent. The colour is somewhat unusual - pale pink-purple. This shrub doesn't grow so tall - approximately 1 metre - but it gets wide due to plenty of runners. -Very beautiful roses, which unfortunately turn ugly after heavy rains.
Monday, 6 July 2009
Sachalin (Sievers, 1988) är en rugosahybrid som blommar hela sommaren med dubbla, rosalila blommor med vita stänk. Förädlaren är en amatörodlare från Tyskland. Busken är väldigt taggig och rosorna har en svag doft. På hösten är busken full av dekorativa nypon. 1.3 m.
Sachalin (Sievers, 1988) is a continuous blooming rugosa hybrid. The flowers are double, in a pink-purple shade with some white streaks. The hybridizer is an amateur from Germany. The shrub is very thorny and the roses have a slight scent. During autumn it's covered in ornamental rose hips. 1,3 metres.
Sachalin (Sievers, 1988) is a continuous blooming rugosa hybrid. The flowers are double, in a pink-purple shade with some white streaks. The hybridizer is an amateur from Germany. The shrub is very thorny and the roses have a slight scent. During autumn it's covered in ornamental rose hips. 1,3 metres.
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Nestor (Laffay, 1841) är en gallica-ros med rosa-lila, dubbla blommor som blommar under högsommaren. Bladverket är ljusgrönt och busken blir ungefär 120 x 90 cm. Blommorna har en ganska svag, men god doft. Zon 5.
Nestor (Laffay, 1841) is an old gallica which blooms during the midst of summer. The flowers are double and purple-pink with a mild, but nice, scent. The shrub grows to a height of approximately 1,2 x 0,9 metres.
Nestor (Laffay, 1841) is an old gallica which blooms during the midst of summer. The flowers are double and purple-pink with a mild, but nice, scent. The shrub grows to a height of approximately 1,2 x 0,9 metres.
Friday, 3 July 2009
Black Boy
Black Boy (Kordes, 1958) är en helt ljuvlig engångsblommande mossros som blommar i juni-juli. Stjälkarna är väldigt taggiga men blommorna är stora och dubbla och de doftar väldigt gott. 1,5 m hög. Zon 4.
Black Boy (Kordes, 1958) is a gorgeous, once-flowering moss rose which blooms during June-July. The branches are very thorny but the flowers are big and double with a lovely scent. The shrub grows to a height of 1,5 metes.
Black Boy (Kordes, 1958) is a gorgeous, once-flowering moss rose which blooms during June-July. The branches are very thorny but the flowers are big and double with a lovely scent. The shrub grows to a height of 1,5 metes.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Martin Frobisher
Martin Frobisher (Svejda, 1968) är en kanadensisk rugosahybrid som blir rätt så hög - nästan 2 meter. Rosorna är ljust korallrosa och väldigt söta. Det är en frisk ros men den skjuter många rotskott - åtminstone så gör min det. Martin har en god, lite fruktig doft och den är ett utmärkt val om man vill ha ett vackert och väldoftande insynsskydd. Kan också förökas med sticklingar.
Martin Frobisher (Svejda, 1968) is a tall rugosa shrub which grows to a height of almost 2 metres. The roses are soft coral-pink and very beautiful. It's healthy and hardy but it produces a lot of runners - at least mine does. The scent is agreeable and it's a great shrub if you're looking for an attractive and sweet-smelling insight protection. It can also be propagated by cuttings.
Moje Hammarberg
Moje Hammarberg (Hammarberg, 1931) är den första rosenbusken jag köpte. Den tog jag med mig när vi flyttade hit för 4 år sedan. Det är en robust rugosahybrid som troligen är en sport av 'Hansa'. Mörkt ceriseröda blommor som doftar fantastiskt hela säsongen och dekorativa nypon på hösten. En sjukdomsfri och skuggtålig buske som blir 1.5 x 1.5 m. Zon 7.
Moje Hammarberg (Hammarberg, 1931) was the first rose of my collection. I brought it with me 4 years ago, when we moved houses. It's a sturdy rugosa hybrid; probably a sport of 'Hansa'. Dark crimson roses, during the whole season, with a fantastic scent and ornamental rose hips during autumn. A healthy shrub tolerating shade, which grows to a size of 1,5 x 1,5 metres.
Moje Hammarberg (Hammarberg, 1931) was the first rose of my collection. I brought it with me 4 years ago, when we moved houses. It's a sturdy rugosa hybrid; probably a sport of 'Hansa'. Dark crimson roses, during the whole season, with a fantastic scent and ornamental rose hips during autumn. A healthy shrub tolerating shade, which grows to a size of 1,5 x 1,5 metres.